Thomas Becket Catholic School welcomed a variety of individuals from local businesses and enterprise to work with our wonderful Year 8 students. Our students took part in a range of team building activities and interacted with the business representatives giving them an invaluable opportunity to understand the skills, personal qualities and attitudes required to make a successful applicant, Year 8 were challenged to use and improve their communications skills, respond to and solve problems and use their negotiation and team work skills to effectively complete tasks.
Feedback from our students highlights what a valuable experience this was for them:
“I really enjoyed this experience as it helped broaden my ideas about business and the things that happen in the workplace.
“A really inspiring morning that made me confident enough to talk to different people”
“It has made me consider what subjects I might want to study for my Gcses and taught me about our differences”
“It taught me that if you really put your mind to something you can do it”