Thomas Becket Catholic School

Thomas Becket Catholic School

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  • 27/05/20

    Delayed reopening to Yr 10 Pupils to 15th June

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.Following my recent letter, which advised of the phased reopening to a small number of Year 10 students daily from after half-term, which was dependent on the government’s decision regarding reopening, I can now confirm that this phased reo...
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  • 21/05/20

    21st May Update - Potential Return for Year 10s

    MAY 21ST UPDATE : POTENTIAL REOPENING TO YEAR 10 PUPILS - 1ST JUNE 2020 Please can I ask that you read this letter in full as it includes important information about our prospective Year 10 provision.
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  • 20/05/20

    Potential Phased Reopening to Year 10 Students

    Potential Phased Reopening to Year 10 Students
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  • 07/05/20

    Changes to the School Day & Curriculum

    Curriculum and Timings of the Day Change from September 2020
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  • 29/04/20

    Live UCAS Q & A...

    Live UCAS Q and A session for parents of students going to university. Thursday 30th April at 1600.
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  • 13/04/20

    Easter Celebrations

    We would like to invite you to share your photos of Easter with us and the wider community.  Maybe you've created an Easter story scene, decorated a home prayer table or got a prized Easter egg? We would love to see your photographs - please email them to us at marketing@olicatschools...
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  • 09/04/20

    Latest Examination News

    Please see the latest letter from Mr McLaughlin, Headteacher below
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  • 03/04/20

    Latest Examination News - CV19

      Today the DfE has released information regarding how students will be assessed.  This can be found here
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  • 03/04/20

    Safeguarding Policy Update CV19

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  • 22/03/20

    CV19 Update

    Reminder of School Closure 
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  • 19/03/20

    Keyworker Survey

    We would be most grateful if you could please complete our quick survey.  Whilst we are still awaiting classification from the Government of Keyworkers, we would be most grateful if you complete this short survey to enable us to support your children.  Please use the QR code above or...
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  • 26/02/20

    Sixth Form visit Longtown

    Our Post 16 students are enjoying Longtown #wearebecket #teamwork #catholiceducation
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