We recently reported that the Chair of the St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Academies Trust (STCCAT) was due to take part in the Great Manchester Run on Sunday 19th May, in a bid to raise funds and awareness for Alzheimer’s Society.
Mr Atkin’s run also coincided with Dementia Action Week (20th-26th May 2019) a national awareness campaign that has been taking place this week.
We’re pleased to let you know that not only did Mr Atkin complete the race but he secured a new personal best of 2 hours 36 minutes.
If you would like to make a donation to the Alzheimer’s Society please visit Mr Atkin’s fundraising page:
Get Involved in Dementia Action Week – 20 – 26 May 2019
Dementia Action Week (20 - 26 May 2019) unites people, workplaces, schools and communities to take action and improve the lives of people living with dementia. Hundreds of events have been taking place this week, find out what is happening near you: http://bit.ly/DementiaActionWeekEvents