We value working closely with parents/carers to provide the best possible support for our students.
This section of the website provides access to some key information you may require.
All letters home can be accessed here and please do keep connected with our Parent Forum activities.
Follow us on social media:
- Twitter @becketcs
- Facebook @thomasBecketCatholicSchool
- Instagram @thomasbecketcatholicschool
If you have any questions or can't find what you're looking for please do contact us.
Parental Feedback
We welcome feedback at any point. Please do use this form: https://forms.office.com/e/SSpBqAXcKc to offer feedback on any part of the school.
If you would like to meet with a member of the senior leadership team to discuss concerns or any feedback, please email office@tbcs.nor.olicatschools.org
There are many ways that we communicate with parents/carers throughout the year:
Home School Agreement
The home school agreement is a contract between home, school and students. It sets out the key expectations for everyone to work together across our school community. Further information about our home school agreement can be found here.
Parents Evenings
Parents Evenings are held at regular intervals throughout the year, providing an opportunity for staff to feed back on students' progress and parents to discuss any questions or concerns they may have.
Progress Reports for Students
At Thomas Becket we monitor student progress throughout the year. This happens five times a year and shortly afterwards a report is sent home.
Student reports provide a summary of students' achievements across each subject as well as areas for further development and next steps.